This collection of essays explores major science curriculum options for educators and homeschool parents.
Educators Help Desk
This collection of education-themed articles was first published in our former publication, New Reasons to Believe.
- “Saving Faith”
- “The World Needs All Kinds of Minds”
- “Quick Guide to Evaluating a Science Textbook”
- “Dinosaurs for Kids”
- “Teaching Astronomy from a Christian Worldview”
- “Evaluating Christian Science Curricula”
- “Forging New Paths in Science-Faith Careers”
- “Explore Evolution: A High School Textbook Review”
- “Choosing a Christian College”
- “Science Fair/Term Paper Ideas: Creation vs. Evolution”
- “How Can I Help My Child Become a Research Scientist?”
- “Enjoying God’s Creation through Astronomy”
- “Five Reasons Why Christian Educators Should Address Evolution”
Curriculum Reviews
- Curriculum and Resource Review Criteria
- Review: Four Myths of Science and Religion (Grades 9–12+)
- Review: Earth Science & Astronomy Series (Grades 1–8)
- Review: Earth Science from Novare (Grades 9–12)
- Review: The Crossroads of Science and Faith: Astronomy Through a Christian Worldview (Grades 9–12)
- Review: Science in the Ancient World and Science in the Scientific Revolution (Grades 4–8)
- Review: Science in the Beginning (Grades 4–8)
- Review: Science Shepherd (Grades 7–12)
- Review: Exploring Creation series by Jeannie K. Fulbright (extended review, Grades 4–8)
- Review: Exploring Creation, Apologia (Middle School)
- Review: Mainstream Science Textbooks (K–12)
- Review: Christian Schools International (K–8)
- Review: Real Science-4-Kids (Grades 5–8)
- Review: Middle School Geology: Real Science-4-Kids (Grades 5–8)
- Review: Middle School Astronomy: Real Science-4-Kids (Grades 5–8)
- Book Review: General Biology by Heather Ayala and Katie Rogstad – Reasons to Believe
Teaching Intelligent Design
Discussion about “intelligent design” shows up regularly in the media. Although the ID movement is not Christian per se, many Christians are involved in its research efforts. Technically speaking, however, it is a secular movement—one that intentionally includes the possibility of various “designers.” It even allows the idea that extraterrestrial beings planted the first life on Earth.
RTB does not officially participate in efforts to incorporate intelligent design into public school science curricula. Anyone interested in pursuing such channels can consult with our friends at the Discovery Institute for more information about their Teach the Controversy campaign. Please visit their web site at
For more information about RTB’s perspectives on the intelligent design movement, we have listed here a collection of brief articles explaining RTB’s position on teaching ID in public schools and other settings.
- “More Than Intelligent Design”
- “Should Intelligent Design Be Taught in Public Schools?”
- “RTB Scholars Expound on EXPELLED, the Movie”
- “Turning the Microscope on Intelligent Design, Part 1”
- “Turning the Microscope on Intelligent Design, Part 2”
Web Articles
More Educational Articles and Resources from RTB.
- “Learning Physics According to the Classical Method”
- “Learning Astronomy According to the Classical Method”
- “Five Science-Faith Resources for Homeschoolers”
- “A Brief Response to the Kansas Board of Education Decision”
- “From the Trenches: An Additional Response to the Kansas Board of Education Decision”
Content Updated: 8/2021