Get Involved
Learn more about getting involved with Reasons to Believe through events, communities, and online education.
Join our Community
Monthly Partner Community
Our Monthly Partner community, affectionately known as Advocates for Truth, is a group of mission-minded people dedicated to spreading God’s truth through sound reason and scientific research. These faithful monthly givers are the financial foundation of RTB’s ministry, resulting in lives transformed and faith in Christ strengthened.
Scholar Community
RTB’s Scholar Community provides opportunities for scientists, theologians, and physicians to explore connections between science and faith. Community members also contribute to RTB content.
Apologetics Community
These RTB-trained laypeople and professionals play a vital part in spreading our message by engaging non-Christians in science-faith conversations, leading apologetics-oriented small groups, participating in campus ministries, and more.
Online Learning
Reasons Institute courses
Reasons Institute is the premier content provider of science apologetics courses for Christian higher education.
Continue Your Education
ACSI-accredited continuing education units prepare teachers to engage in spiritually stimulating dialogue with students.
Educators Help Desk
Reasons to Believe offers a variety of resources to equip educators to show their students that science and faith are, and always will be, allies, not enemies.